
Beyond Just Food: Whole Life Nourishment with Vaness Henry

"It's not enough to just stuff our faces with broccoli."

Hello, and welcome back to the podcast! Today’s episode completely lit me up, and I think you’re going to love it. We’re diving into the concept of dynamic nourishment with Vaness Henry, who’s a Shamanic Practitioner, Producer and Author who has devoted much of her work to the study and teaching of Human Design. 

In 2023, my most downloaded episode was Human Design and Digestion with Jasmine Nnenna, and I knew I wanted to have Vaness on the show this season to go even deeper. In today’s show, we discuss the six colors of determination or digestion within human design, and Vaness describes how food is just one aspect of our nourishment. We are fed by so much more than simply food, from the content we ingest, to the rituals we practice, to the things we wear and put on our skin, to the energies we take in, to our environment. This is dynamic nourishment—it’s how we nourish ourselves on every level in our lives. 

As Vaness describes, once we start to understand what uniquely nourishes us, it’s like we gain a superpower. As we play and adjust, we develop a keener awareness of what helps us to thrive, as well as a deeper trust in our own knowing. This leads to more balance, satisfaction and joy in our lives. 

If you’re not familiar with human design, I recommend checking out this newsletter from my episode with Jasmine before listening, where I break down the six colors of determination/digestion at the bottom. Also, it might be fun to have your own human design chart on hand when listening, which you can find on sources such as  mybodygraph.com or the International Human Design School

This is such a fun conversation, and I hope you’ll love it too. You can listen to (or watch!) the episode right here, or, better yet, subscribe to the podcast in Apple PodcastsSpotify, or Pandora. You can also now watch the full episode videos on YouTube (p.s. if you haven’t subscribed to the channel yet, please do!).

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Stay tuned, because on Friday I’ll be sharing my version of Vaness’s “last meal on earth”, which she shares at the end of the episode! In the meantime, remember to nourish yourself with intention and love.

xo, Nicki

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